Value Tag (Podcasting 2.0 part II)

Well we’re back and we have unfinished business. In our last epsidode we started discussing the RSS tags added to help make podcasting more searchable, and like a good cliffhanger we finished before even getting to the value tag. Nothing seems to have energised the podcasting community like the value tag.
The value tag has been, depending on where you stand, proposed or introduced to the RSS standard for podcasting, well what it is and how does it work? Getting paid for podcasting by the people who are listening, is that even possible?
It starts off simple enough, but before long we are well deep into the crypto world of bitcoin, lightning, trust and trustless systems, n entry ledgers where n>2, Wild!
For the record this podcast is v4v (value for value) compliant and has an active ligtning address, feel free to pop us a boost. If you want to do it old schoole here is an address:
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash